Friday, April 1, 2011

Answers from Alicia

This week, I decided to open the blog up for questions, since I am obviously so qualified and trained for doing so.  This weeks question is...

Dear Alicia,
I love reading your self-love blogs, they are really cute. you are so smart and awesome.  but I was wondering, I have been exercising regularly, and eating healthy, and doing sit ups in my down time at work, can you tell me why I still don't look like this?

 no one will love me unless I am perfect.

 Dear, no one will love me unless I am perfect.
Thanks very much for the kind words. And I can tell you easily why you don't look like Ciara. number one because Ciara, has a personal trainer that she works out with for as long as some of us actually work, so unless you are getting paid to bust your ass in the gym, I doubt you can devote the same amount of time to work out as her, My advice on that is to quit your job so that you can spend those hours working out, so that you too can have a body like hers.  Also She has someone prepare her meals for her, someone that probably has a degree in nutrition and spends a lot of time finding healthy alternatives to things like salt and sugar , this person probably spends a lot of time calculating calories and planning her meals for the week. So for this I would in your spare time from working out, read up on nutrition, plan your meals, and then spend a lot of time preparing them which leaves you plenty of time to sleep, and look at your fabulous body in the mirror. And after all of this you will probably find you still have imperfections, such as small amounts of cellulite on your ass, pores, hair, and bruises. Don't leave the house for fear people will see those things, unless you cover it with expensive clothing, that way people will be distracted by your labels and not see that you do in fact have pores.   Get your photograph taken and then professionally retouched so that  all the things that make you human are removed and all that's left is smoothed skin and enhanced features that don't really exist in real life. Then you can be perfect and feel good enough.

Alicia Diamond


  1. Hi Alicia

    I was wondering how you feel about snakes and bad mix cds?

  2. Well Regis Glass art, I love snakes when they are on art or candy and not slithering on me, and bad mix c.d.s are never bad unless they have 50 cent on them. :-)
