Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within. - Ghandi

I think a huge part of revolutionary self love is choosing to still be ok with who you are especialy when someone else may not be.
But when you love yourself even with your flaws, even with your weak moments, even when you’re wrong you’ll find you become a lot more forgiving when you make mistakes.  ( however dont always assume you are wrong because someone else says you are.) learning requires making mistakes and everyone makes em'.

Most of my life I haven’t had that great of an opinion filter. (Obviously, I am here pontificating to a faceless audience on the World Wide Web.) The thing about being opinionated and putting yourself out there though is not everyone is going to like you. I have come to the point in my life where I can tell those people to get in line behind all the other people who think I am loud, ridiculous or wrong.
It’s not always important to be right, but it is important to be real.
If we are too afraid of being wrong, we lose out on the experience of learning and making choices.
I have accidentally found that an upside to making yourself a target for people to point out your flaws is that you will also find the people who will love you despite them.
Now I am not saying everyone should behave like me, but it’s what has worked for me. And I am a big believer in being polite and kind but you can be those things with out wavering on who you are.
 I was talking to a good friend about the fact that I want to start shooting civil unions because this is something I feel strongly about as a human rights issue, and the question was brought up that what if people chose not to go with F/stop because of our stance on this? The answer seemed really simple. If you’re not going to hire me over that I don’t want to shoot your wedding anyways.  
I think a lot of times we feel the need to be “safe” for the people we encounter and we hide the parts of ourselves that are controversial or less flattering, but I have found the people I love the most in my life are there because they love me despite and sometimes because of those things.
lets stop worrying over what other people think about us and start worrying about what we really think, because how much energy do you want to waste on the people who steal  your joy when you can be focusing on the people and areas that create it.

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