Because I spent the week making photographs and not blogging I am going to play catch up with a half assed list of bullet points on the things that I like…
1) Bust magazine. – I bought an issue of it this week and I have always hated Cosmo and hows its so “your man” centered, so reading bust this week was really refreshing. If you want a naughty magazine with realistic sex advice, music tips, and interviews with interesting women for-go Cosmo and get “Bust.”
2) This nail polish color by Nichole- I bought it this weekend and thinks its really fun pay no attention to the fact that it from the Justin Beiber collection, we will ignore that.
3) The movie “It’s kind of a funny story”- Had I seen this movie in high school I would have loved it even more it captures that anxious pressure of being a teen and feeling crazy and not knowing if your allowed to live your own life yet. And I am strangely attracted to Zack Galifinakis and he cracked me up in the movie. It’s worth watching.
4) Jenifer Avello- I was able to assist her in a shoot she had for her fashion class and not only is she super nice and helpful she is a talented and creative photographer.
5) Drag Queens- I hope to blog more about my love for them later when I can write somewhat coherently about them, but just know drag queens are hoot.
6) People who write creatively. This is a blog of a friend of mine and I can’t get enough of reading it. I wish I could write as off the cuff and loosely as him and still be as on point and well executed. I love the Portly Adventures of Barley Bertolli. Enjoy.
7) I am reading “Simplicity” by Richard Rohr and I am only 3 chapters in but I am so excited about it. I have been kind of obsessed with Gender Roles and gender performance lately and he writes so eloquently about these issues and God. I swear It is people like him who sustain my faith in the relevance of Christianity.
8) Eating. I am a big fan of eating. I had a conversation with someone about how a lot of models are eating cotton balls dipped in juice to feel full but stay thin, and my heart broke that these girls feel the need to eat cotton balls. I don’t care who tells you 89 pounds is beautiful. Shitting cotton balls is not.
9) Liz Phair- I have become a really big fan of hers because of her blunt and no holds barred approach to talking about sexuality and relationships. It’s refreshing to see an honest portrayal of this instead of the “virgin-whore” portrayal in a lot of the media today. I read that her c.d. “exile in Guyville” was a song-by-song reply to the Rolling Stones' 1972 album Exile on Main Street. Phair apparently sequenced her compositions in an attempt to match the song-list and pacing of the 1972 album.
10)This quote
“We live in a society and a culture and an economic model that tries to make everything look right. Look at computers. Why are they all putty-colored or off-f******-white? You make something off-white or beige because you are afraid to use any other color – because you don’t want to offend anybody. But by definition, when you make something no one hates, no one loves it. So I am interested in imperfections, quirkiness, insanity, unpredictability. That’s what we really pay attention to anyway. We don’t talk about planes flying; we talk about them crashing”. - Tibor Kalman
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